

Posts updates from RSS, ATOM, and JSON feeds in your room.

Using the bot

Subscribing to a feed

  1. Invite @rss:t2bot.io to your room if it isn't already joined.
  2. Say !rss subscribe <feed URL> to subscribe.

Unsubscribing from a feed

  1. Invite @rss:t2bot.io to your room if it isn't already joined.
  2. Say !rss unsubscribe <feed URL> to unsubscribe.

Listing subscriptions

  1. Invite @rss:t2bot.io to your room if it isn't already joined.
  2. Say !rss subscriptions to see what feeds are subscribed to.


How often does the bot update feeds?

The bot is currently configured to check feeds every 10 minutes, though due to high demand can take upwards of an hour.

Where is the source code for the bot?

The bot is custom for t2bot.io and can be found on GitHub.